A workshop cum pitching event is being conducted from September 2022 through January 2023, encompassing multiple domains. Ideas will be multidisciplinary in nature and should address a problem or need in any one subtheme only. The Interactive Workshop will consist of Business and Technical workshops. The Business aspects will help to polish the candidate teams’ Business model canvas and ascertain the initial customer segment, value and market for the solution. Some subthemes may have some technical sessions as well. The second component of the workshop will be technical brainstorming sessions to help participants identify the problem/need and define their problem statements. The third component of the workshop will be Technical in nature and will have interactive talks from various domains to encourage the participants’ thought process.

If participants can come up with other problem statements UNDER THESE THEMES, they are welcome to work on those as well
- Water pollution
- Hybrid mobility
- Safety, surveillance and security in public spaces, organisations, institutes and industry needs not just monitoring but preventive action
- Agriculture and technology
- Sustainable waste management
- App development/Data processing technologies for healthcare services
Apply before : 7th Oct 2022, 4pm